Monday, August 3, 2009

HMS exhibits mural at Art/Architecture show during annual New Orleans art walk.

New Orleans, La. August 1, 2009

HMS Architects showcase their Window Mural for the Andrew H. Wilson Elementary School project at the opening of the new AIA New Orleans Chapter Center for Design. The new office and exhibit space, located on Lee Circle, hosted a grand opening to coincide with the annual White Linen Night art walk on Julia St.

HMS Architects principal Charles Montgomery, AIA New Orleans Chapter President-Elect, was pleased to help make the evening a success by responding to the request for art done by local architects, "The Wilson Mural is more than just a decorative work, we've combined imagery and history into a teaching tool that not only beautifies the space it occupies but edifies the children in a meaningful way. We hope they have a lot of fun with it too."

The mural design, recreated in miniature for the AIA exhibit, is currently in production for full scale installation at Wilson Elementary. The panels of art will be laminated into the existing glass windows that overlook what will become interior space of an atrium and stairwell once the new addition of the building has been added.