Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Casper College Music Building Dedication

Casper College celebrated the completion of their new music building with a dedication ceremony on October 13. The new music building for the college was designed by HMS Architects in collaboration with MOA ARCHITECTURE of Denver. The 34,000 square foot facility provides the music department with an array of spaces including ten music practice rooms, three large music rehearsal spaces, ten faculty studios and a 417-seat Concert Hall. The building located at a prominent campus entrance also features an open two story lobby, music recording suite, two music classrooms and an administrative suite. The total of these spaces provides Casper College with the facilities they need to develop their music program and meet their academic mission.

More about the Casper College School of Music Building at the HMS Architects website
More about HMS-designed music schools and other performance Projects
More about the Casper College School of Music
More about Casper College

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

HMS to host tour of facilities as part of ICFAD conference in New Orleans

HMS Architects are proud to be involved in the International Council of Fine Arts Deans (ICFAD) annual conference celebrating 50 years. HMS is offering a tour of two recently completed fine arts facilities at Louisiana State University. The tour on October 23 will feature the Music & Dramatic Arts building as well as the Student Union Theater. The tour will demonstrate the results of carefully planned renovations.

More about ICFAD and their New Orleans Conference
More about the LSU Student Union Theater
More about the LSU Music & Dramatic Arts Building
More about HMS Fine and Performing Arts projects